How high are the fees charged by the tax advisor?

The following interactive tables show the fees for specific services rendered by the tax advisor.

  • General information
  • 1. Income tax statements and private statements for tax on sales/purchases
  • 2. Corporate tax statements
  • 3. Financial statement
  • 4. Financial accounting
  • Reference

General information regarding fees calculation

The fees calculation for the tax advisor is essentially based on the German Schedule of Fees for Tax Advisors (StBGebV).

The starting point for the fees calculation is the object value of the matter at hand. This object value often automatically unfolds, however sometimes it is necessary to first calculate the object value.

Once the object value has been determined, it is used to deduce the full (i.e. 100 %) charge rate by using one of the Tables A through E provided in the StBGebV. Which table to use in the specific case depends on the actual service rendered by the tax advisor. Please note that the calculations shown on the presented websites are based on Tables A through C only.

This full charge rate yields the fee scale, which covers the range from a minimum to a maximum portion of the full charge rate, e.g. between 1/10 and 6/10. These portions are specified by law and act in pursuance with the desired tax advisory services.

Income tax statements and private statements for tax on sales/purchases

The fees for income tax statements and private statements for tax on sales/purchases shown below are based on Table A provided in the StBGebV 840a. This table helps calculate the full charge rate from a specific object value. The fee scale for the individual services rendered by the tax advisor result from the portions of the full charge rate specified by law.

Assuming that the tax advisor was commissioned to create, for example, an income tax statement without calculation of income. The object value is € 85,000.00. In this case, Table A calculates a full charge rate of € 1,277.00. The fee scale specified by law covers the range from 1/10 up to 6/10 of this amount, i.e. from € 127.70 to € 766.20.

In connection with the object value it must be noted that the calculation automatically assumes a minimum amount of € 6,000.00.

Please enter a Euro amount for the object value into the top text field (as a whole number, no commas for thousands, no decimals), then click on the button and view the charge rates for all tax statements listed here.

Object value:    €

Minimum Average Maximum

Income tax statement without calculation of income:   1 / 10  3,5 / 10   6 / 10
 €  €  €

Income tax statement for employment:   1 / 20  6,5 / 20  12 / 20
 €  €  €

Declaration of income from capital assets:   1 / 20  6,5 / 20  12 / 20
 €  €  €

Declaration of income from renting and leasing:   1 / 20  6,5 / 20  12 / 20
 €  €  €

Advance return for tax on sales/purchases and statement:   1 / 10  4,5 / 10   8 / 10
 €  €  €


Corporate tax statements

The fees for corporate tax statements shown below are also based on Table A provided in the StBGebV 840a. This table helps calculate the full charge rate from a specific object value. The fee scale for the individual services rendered by the tax advisor result from the portions of the full charge rate specified by law.

Assuming that the tax advisor was commissioned to create, for example, a statement for tax on sales/purchases without calculation of income. The object value is € 85,000.00. In this case, Table A calculates a full charge rate of € 1,277.00. The fee scale specified by law covers the range from 1/10 up to 8/10 of this amount, i.e. from € 127.70 to € 1,021.60.

In connection with the object value it must be noted that the calculation automatically assumes a minimum amount; this minimum amount is usually € 6,000.00, however, for own services the minimum amount is € 12,500.00.

Please enter a Euro amount for the object value into the top text field (as a whole number, no commas for thousands, no decimals), then click on the button and view the charge rates for all tax statements listed here.

Object value:     €

Minimum Average Maximum

Statement for tax on sales/purchases:   1 / 10  4,5 / 10   8 / 10
 €  €  €

Corporate tax statement:   1 / 10  3,5 / 10  6 / 10
 €  €  €

Declaration of separate determination of income (without calculation of income):   1 / 10  3 / 10  5 / 10
 €  €  €

Corporate tax statement:   2 / 10  5 / 10  8 / 10
 €  €  €

Declaration of separate determination according to Articles 27, 28, 37 and 38 of the German Corporate Tax Act:   1 / 10  3 / 10   5 / 10
 €  €  €


Financial statement

The fees for income tax statement shown below are based on Table B provided in the StBGebV 840a. This table helps calculate the full charge rate from a specific object value. The fee scale for the individual services rendered by the tax advisor result from the portions of the full charge rate specified by law.

Assuming that the tax advisor was commissioned to create, for example, a financial statement. The object value is € 1,000,000.00. In this case, Table B calculates a full charge rate of € 903.00. The fee scale specified by law covers the range from 10/10 up to 40/10 of this amount, i.e. from € 903.00 to € 3,612.00.

Please enter a Euro amount for the object value into the top text field (as a whole number, no commas for thousands, no decimals), then click on the button and view the charge rates for all tax advisory services listed here.

Object value:     €

Minimum Average Maximum

Preparation of balance sheet and profit and loss statement (P/L statement):  10 / 10  25 / 10  40 / 10
 €  €  €

    2 / 10   7 / 10   12 / 10
Preparation of annex:  €  €  €

    2 / 10   7 / 10   12 / 10
Preparation of financial report:  €  €  €

Preparation of interim results or preliminary balance sheet for the profit and loss statement:   5 / 10  8,5 / 10   12 / 10
 €  €  €

Derivation of a tax balance sheet or taxable results from the commercial balance sheet:   5 / 10  8,5 / 10   12 / 10
 €  €  €

Assistance with the preparation of a financial statement (balance sheet and P/L statement):   2 / 10   6 / 10   10 / 10
 €  €  €

Assistance with the preparation of the annex:   2 / 10   3 / 10   4 / 10
 €  €  €

Assistance with the preparation of a financial report:   2 / 10   3 / 10   4 / 10
 €  €  €


Financial accounting

The fees for income tax statement shown below are based on Table C provided in the StBGebV 840a. This table helps calculate the full charge rate from a specific object value. The fee scale for the individual services rendered by the tax advisor result from the portions of the full charge rate specified by law.

Assuming that the tax advisor was, for example, commissioned with the allocation and book-keeping. The object value is € 276,000.00. In this case, Table C calculates a full charge rate of € 289.00. The fee scale specified by law covers the range from 2/10 up to 12/10 of this amount, i.e. from € 57.80 to € 346.80.

Please enter a Euro amount for the object value into the top text field (as a whole number, no commas for thousands, no decimals), then click on the button and view the charge rates for all tax advisory services listed here.

Object value:     €

Minimum Average Maximum

Book-keeping including allocation of receipts:   2 / 10   7 / 10  12 / 10
 €  €  €

    1 / 10  3,5 / 10   6 / 10
Allocation of receipts:  €  €  €

Book-keeping according to receipts allocated by the client or allocation documentation created by the client:   1 / 10  3,5 / 10   6 / 10
 €  €  €

Book-keeping according to data entries created by the client and according to data processing programs of the tax advisor used by the client:   1 / 20  5,5 / 20   10 / 20
 €  €  €

Client monitoring and book-keeping:   1 / 10  6,5 / 10   12 / 10
 €  €  €



[1]   How much may your tax advisor charge you?
  Auto – Steuern – Recht 1 / 2005
[2] Questioning the fees calculation of your tax advisor – Part II
  Auto – Steuern – Recht 2 / 2005
[3] Schedule of fees for tax advisors, tax agents and tax consultancy firms (German Schedule of Fees for Tax Advisors – StBGebV)

The journal containing references [1] and [2] was published by
IWW Institut für Wirtschaftspublizistik Verlag, Steuern Recht Wirtschaft & Co KG, Nordkirchen, Würzburg.

Liability exclusion: Information we provide on these internet sites doesn’t constitute legal or tax consulting. Although we have reviewed these sites thoroughly, we exclude a liability for the correctness, topicality and completeness of the content. We do not have any influence on the content of the linked sites. Therefore, we can take over no guarantee for these foreign contents.